Lets grow together.

Health Care Provider Community
1 Million+
Contracted Physicians
Highly sought after physicians in a national network.
Hospitals & Facilities
Placing quality healthcare establishments within reach.
8 Million+
Servicing a population with exponential increase.

Value for Participating Providers
With a presence in all 50 states and a rapidly expanding membership base, PNOA’s members are within reach. With four (4) product offerings in the PPO market including Primary, Supplemental, Workers Compensation and Auto, members have the means of seeking quality care from providers like you.
Companies currently benefiting from our PPO Network include cost containment companies, Third Party Administrators, Commercial Payers, Taft-Hartley Trust and Native American Tribal Plans. Through PNOA’s simplified credentialing and contracting process, providers will experience firsthand PNOA’s provider friendly practices.

Provider Services
PNOA is committed to providing professional services to our contracted providers with our sophisticated administrative system and experienced staff.
Through PNOA Provider Relations and Account Management departments, roster updates and claim inquiries are handled promptly and efficiently by our professionally trained staff. Other services available to Providers include:
- Sales representative assignment
- Provider & patient support
- Accurate & timely repricing
- Benchmarked & transparent contracting
- Easy roster update process
Participation in the PNOA Network is Free and Simple
Available to all Healthcare Providers